Anyone registered as a Democrat or is ineligible to vote (due to age, non-residency or other legal impediment), but pledges to register as a Democrat when eligible and supports the purpose of the Club as stated in Article II of the Democratic Club of Vista Bylaws is eligible for membership in this club.
We would love to have you join us!
Membership Dues
Individual: $15/year
Family: $25/year Pay by cash, check at meetings, or online. Dues are due January 1st each year. New members joining in November or December are covered for the following year.
How to Join or Renew
Current Email List Members: Pay Here
New Members: Fill out our Online Membership Application and then proceed to our Payment Portal.
Prefer Offline Options?:
Download the Membership Application or fill it out at a meeting.
Send a check to Dem Club of Vista, 2438 Alta Vista Dr, Vista, CA 92084, or pay at a meeting.
Renewing Members: Renew online via our secure Payment Portal connection.
New members not on our email list, please complete the Online Membership Application first. Thanks!